Technology Events & Meetups with Ncounter

Specialised Technology Meetups: bringing brand awareness and industry engagement to your front door... Ncounter’s technology meetups foster knowledge sharing and networking within the community. With over a decade’s experience facilitating some of the UK’s most successful technology meetups, Ncounter’s events team can help you create a memorable event!

Here's a clear guide as to how we can make this happen together:


Event Conceptualisation

- Establishing clear objectives for the meetup (marketing goals, peer networking opportunities, knowledge sharing).

- Selecting themes that resonate with the target industries (historically, we’ve had cybersecurity challenges in Fintech, data analytics trends in Retail, JavaScript innovations in the Travel industry).

- Crafting a compelling event narrative to engage potential attendees.


Venue and Logistics

- Choosing the right venue to match the meetup's tone and audience size.

- An opportunity to showcase your lovely offices?

- Ncounter will consider accessibility and convenience for attendees.

- Arrange security and manage technology requirements (audio/visual equipment, Wi-Fi, charging stations).

- We can plan for and sponsor catering and refreshments that suit the event's style.


Content Curation and Speaker Selection

- Identifying and inviting industry experts and thought leaders as speakers.

- For larger events, we can curate a diverse range of sessions (keynotes, panels, workshops) to cater for different learning styles.

- Incorporating interactive elements: Q&A sessions, live demos, hackathons to maximise engagement.


Marketing and Promotion

- Developing a multi-channel marketing strategy (social media, email campaigns, industry forums).

- Leveraging partnerships and sponsorships for wider reach.

- Creating engaging promotional materials (event website, brochures, videos).


Registration and Attendee Management

- Setting up an efficient registration process (online ticketing platforms, early bird discounts).

- Managing attendee data for personalised communication and follow-ups.

- Providing clear information on the agenda, speakers, and logistics.


On-the-Day Coordination

- Ensuring a smooth check-in process and a welcoming environment.

- Coordinating with speakers, vendors, and venue staff to maintain the event schedule.

- Handling any unforeseen issues with a proactive and solution-oriented approach.


Networking and Engagement Opportunities

- Facilitating networking through structured activities (speed networking, meet-the-speaker sessions).

- Encouraging engagement through social media hashtags, live-tweeting, and event apps.

- Providing spaces for informal interactions (lounges, breakout areas).


Post-Event Follow-Up

- Gathering feedback through surveys and informal conversations.

- Sharing event highlights, recordings and resources with attendees.

- Maintaining the momentum with post-event networking opportunities and content sharing.


Measuring Success

- Evaluating the meetup's success against initial objectives. We will be driven by initial expectations and goals.

- Analysing feedback and attendance data to measure ROI.

- Identifying areas for improvement and strategies for future events.


Please get in touch to find out more!

Contact the events team on or call 0203 479 4931